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Storytelling Self Evaluation

October 30, 2011

“If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” by Laura Numeroff

a. I selected this story because it went with my partner’s story about his sister wanting everything he has because she sees it. Also, because when i was younger i got this story read to me so i figured it would be a great story to read since i knew it.

b. Honestly, i practiced the story like once or twice. The practicing style i used was just in trying to figure out how to hold the book before i read it, and how it would work if i used a lil kid as a partner in holding the book. Practicing made the presentation a little better, but no matter how many times you practice it never fully sets you up for the real deal.

c. The main element that worked well for me was adding excitement, and different emotions. The hardest part was making sure that i didn’t go too fast or too slow for the children. So working on my speed.

d. The audience was pretty interested, and excited for the most parts. Before they didn’t really want to interact, but once they got use to us they relaxed a bunch, and prepared themselves for the fun. They loved acting out the sports and activities before my partner’s book, and telling us about their halloween costumes, and siblings. The main challenge I had to overcome with the audience was getting them to better interact, and be comfortable around us.

e. I think overall i did pretty good on the presentation.
GOOD :: 1) having the kids interact with us
2) getting to know the kids a bit
IMPROVE :: 1) maybe memorize my story
2) adjust my speed

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